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Why should your Child learn Self-Defence Should it be in their School’s Curriculum

Learning self-defense is more about personal safety, and the ability to defend yourself, rather than being able to beat the burglars up. Children are more prone to crimes than adults as they are often considered easy targets and defenseless. Teaching your child self-defense means making them learn how to break free and run and not succumb to the impending danger. It is about being smart, not about being a hero, but becoming aware of your surroundings and understanding how to respond to dangerous situations.

Most CBSE schools in Sonipat and all over India are now providing self-defense classes as a part of their curriculum. The authorities acknowledge its importance and are teaching their students self-defense. But does your child really need to learn it in school? Does learning self-defense have other benefits? Let’s find out.

They learn what’s necessary within school hours

This way, learning self-defense does not become an added burden. You may feel that your neighborhood is safe and there is no instant danger to your child and under such situations, self-defense does take a step back. The more immediate matters take the forefront like completing the assignments or going out for music lessons. And when a threat does arrive, your child remains unprepared.

Having self-defense classes within the school curriculum requires no extra effort. Your child does not have to make time for it or you have to sacrifice anything. He/she can balance their assignments perfectly well and simultaneously learn to protect himself/herself. It is a win-win situation for everyone.

Self-defense is also about being street aware

Your child learns to differentiate between what’s right and wrong. Which stranger is actually being a friend and who is trying to manipulate. Whom to ask for help and where to stay for being safe. Self-defense classes not only prepare your child physically but also give him/her the required mental awareness.

Students with training pay attention to details more than the ones who haven’t received any training or self-defense classes. They know not to trust anyone easily and observe better before taking any decision. They are trained to remain calm which not only helps them during the threatening situation but prevents them from doing anything rash.

Instils self-confidence

A child trained in self-defense has another level of personal confidence in any situation. They are taught to deal with the unexpected and hence they are ready for anything. This confidence can help them in their normal lives as well, be it dealing with exam stress or taking up something challenging. Safety-wise, they do not look timid or vulnerable and are definitely not easy targets.

Self-defense training gives a massive boost to students’ self-esteem. They have the confidence of exploring their full potential. The fact that they are trained to deal with danger acts as a morale booster and they use this to hone their other skills.

Self-defence also teaches discipline in life

Most self-defense classes are about disciplining your body and mind. The children learn about hard work, punctuality, decision-making, meditation, and so on. Any form of training teaches coordination and timing, and this almost becomes a habit. Students under regular training are never lethargic. They meet their deadlines, be it getting up from bed or reaching school on time.

They also become enthusiastic about taking on physical tasks. While any normal child may refuse to carry out any household chores, students under training are generally more enthusiastic. This kind of discipline comes only through self-defense training that any other class can seldom teach.

It is also a great form of physical activity

Just like any sport, self-defense can also be put under the category of physical activity. It does not only involve standing in one place and learning to fight. In such classes, you need to run to be agile, stretch to be flexible, and train your mind for better coordination. Training in self-defense requires students to perform an extensive amount of locomotor movements that lead to physical fitness.

Your child will be better aware of his/her body. You will notice better hand-eye coordination from him/her. And you will be astonished by their capability to multitask. Having self-defense in the curriculum does more good than you can ever think of.

It’s a lifelong lesson

Children are better learners than adults. They pick up things quickly and retain them for a long time. Teaching self-defense to your child is like a lifelong lesson. He/she can use the training as an adult and it turns somewhat into an instinct. Learning comes with little practice at a young age and this is why any top school in Sonipat like Swarnprastha includes self-defense in their curriculum.

The current times are the hardest, especially for children. Crime rates have reportedly gone up by three hundred percent against minors in recent years. There is no substitute for safety and neither can you stay with your children always. Self-defense is the right way to go and being trained for any threat is definitely a necessity.