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School Examinations: How frequently should your Child be Tested?

Numerous views are going around on the matter of school examinations and the frequency of the same. While one group of parents believe that their children should be tested at regular intervals to keep them in the loop of academics, another group states that the overwhelming number of exams are only stressing the students out. In reality, no one denies the importance of school examinations and believes that they should exist, but the question of concern is how frequently should a child be tested? Are four major exams per session enough or do students need the weekly tests as well?

What is causing this dilemma?

The main reason for this debate is the effect that a test has on students in general. Going by the prevalent system, apart from testing a student’s knowledge, tests create peer pressure, the negative desire to perform, quantifying skills based on marks, and result-oriented knowledge development. The perception through which parents and students view examinations creates that unnecessary stress among children which leads to draining of energy and a decrease in overall productivity. The fear that students have is not of the test, but the anxiety it brings before and after.

The top 10 schools in Sonepat do not create this environment during their examinations. While the institutes regularly conduct examinations to instill knowledge among the students, the faculty members take care that the situation does not turn stressful. If students are kept in such an educational environment, regular tests would never become a burden to anyone. The dilemma would end and all groups of parents would agree to the concept of examinations in unison.

How frequently should a child be tested?

Research has shown that if the school authorities and the parents can keep aside the anxiety factor that a child faces, regular examinations actually help students to retain the knowledge better. A study conducted at an American school showed that students who got their education tested every week showed better learning than the ones who opted out of the frequent exams. So, the answer to how frequently a child should be tested is quite evident but the question under discussion should be – how should the schools conduct the tests?

A list of questions with a sheet to answer them is not always the only way to test a student. And this is where you can differentiate the top school in Sonepat from the mediocre ones. Conducting examinations for the sake of it and marking the answers kills the whole purpose of the test. An exam should not be about separating a student’s merit from another but to help them retain whatever they have learned, and there are numerous ways to do it.

  • Activity-based testing

Divide the whole class into multiple groups and play a quiz. The competition will make the students recall the subject from their memory and the whole process will be fun. If one student fails to answer a question, another will have the correct answer and everyone retains the knowledge shared. Nobody scored anything to show on their CV but everyone learned.

  • Project-based testing

Promoting research by assigning projects is a very effective way of learning. Not only do projects encourage students to gather new information but also enable them to recount the subjects they have already learned. There can be marking and it can be individual work, and it successfully brings in all the aspects of an examination without the anxiety part.

And there are more. The best schools will always be innovative, combine all the available methods and bring in a system to test a student, not by its literary definition. A sheet of MCQs will trigger stress among students but a history quiz without the pressure to answer is always helpful. One form can happen in one week and the other may happen in another and the whole purpose of testing students regularly is solved. They retain their knowledge, they have the desire to learn, and marks-oriented examinations cause negativity to take a backseat.

Do all schools follow it?

Unfortunately, the whole concept of examinations is still in a blurry phase, and writing down answers after learning and relearning a chapter is still considered to be a true examination. While such forms of testing should exist, they should not be the only form. The best institution in the Sonepat schools list will combine all and you will see the written exam method existing in the perfect balance. There will be activities that are education-oriented along with ones that have no connection to academics at all.

Swarnprastha is one such institute that successfully eliminates the stress part of an exam despite conducting it regularly. The faculty here are trained to boost knowledge and education rather than create an environment to score high. Success will come along a student’s way if the perception of examination is changed and the frequency of it will no longer be a problem. Find such an institute and let your child achieve true education.