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Is your Child Learning Life Skills at School? Find Out!

In this fast-paced world of knowledge and skill-oriented learning, it is very easy for our children to miss out on important life lessons. There is no denying that excelling in academics will ultimately help their careers but focusing on life lessons will help them to survive in their daily life. Schools are the institutions where the children spend their time to learn and the management must ensure that there is a balance of learning from all spheres. The top 5 school in Sonipat makes sure that their students are adept at both academics and life lessons to help them cope with the outside world.

As parents, it is your duty that you enroll your child in such an institution and makes sure that your child is learning all the valuable life lessons along with the subjects. Check if the school is conducting the following classes or sessions during their academic curriculum that are ultimately aimed at developing your child’s survival skills. The best schools will have sessions for:

  1. Teaching personal safety to its students

Being able to defend oneself is the primary survival skill that every child should have, be it in the real world or online. Schools should conduct weekly sessions on self-defense and teach their students how to protect themselves in every situation. Being prepared helps a child to keep his/her calm and escape unharmed without trying anything reckless. It also gives them the sense of identifying imminent danger and bypassing the situation as a whole. The schools can bring in experts to teach students such self-defense skills to help them fend for themselves when an adult is not around.

  1. Tending to one’s wounds

Having a first-aid box in the school bag is useless if the child doesn’t know how to use it. The best school in Sonipat has frequent sessions where they teach their students the type of accidents they can come across, the wounds they can get, and how to treat them effectively. The wrong treatment can worsen the situation but if a student can separate a burn from a cut, he/she will know what to apply. Here, again, being prepared is the key to tending to the situation, and paranoia on seeing blood is the last thing anyone wants. With these lessons, students can not only take care of themselves but also help others in need.

  1. Being able to read a map

It can either be a paper one or on a digital device, but every student must know how to read a map and find their way back home. Some schools have this lesson included in their curriculum so that students can identify directions and important locations. Children should know the signs of hospitals, police stations, and fire stations and be able to detect them on the map. There is always the technology available where they can ask their phones for directions, but manual knowledge is also important. The sessions in school must teach them both, how to read road signs as well as follow the map on the phone.

  1. Letter writing, both formal and informal

Obviously, the difficulty level should increase with the student’s age and grade, but every child should know how to properly frame a letter as well as post it to the appropriate person. The best CBSE schools in Sonipat focus on the correct format of the letter and stresses the fact that every letter should portray the student’s thought. This life skill will go a long way in developing the student’s social connections, develop networking and help him/her to form deeper bonds. Emails come much later and schools should start by teaching their students to write a letter to both a loved one or to the Prime Minister’s Office.

  1. Taking care of oneself in the absence of an adult

This is very different from first-aid lessons and includes things like preparing a quick meal or being aware of the surroundings. Such sessions in schools should teach students but electrical connections at home and the dangers associated, the modern appliances and the hazards it can cause or simply how to douse a minor fire depending on the source of it. Today, children have to become self-dependent due to the working schedule of their parents and they can pick up such skills in their school while learning their subjects. These lessons should focus on preventing daily possible accidents and personal safety from home appliances.

Schools like Swarnprastha make sure that their students learn these basic life lessons. This institute focuses equally on both academics and personal skills that will enable a child to survive. Education simply cannot surround textbook knowledge and remains incomplete if it cannot make a child independent. As parents, it is your duty to impart life lessons to your child but schools have similar responsibilities as well. So, opt for such institutes and give your child the best.