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At times, there are students who lose skills and knowledge in the course of breaks during school. That’s what we refer to as learning loss. When a student undergoes learning loss, a lot of pressure is embraced on both students…

Can We Teach Students to Think Rationally?

Choosing a career is considered one of the most important decisions of a student’s life. There comes a time, when students tend to get worried as well as confused while choosing a specific field. And that’s where a career counsellor…

Is Mixing Technology with Homework Helping Students

We have all reached a point in time where we no longer need to debate the importance of technology in education. It is now a universally accepted fact. However, we might agree that the intermixing happened sooner than expected, closely…

Counselling in Schools are More Important Now than Ever

The 21st-century was already emotionally taxing for the current students. To focus on education bypassing all the present distractions was effort-inducing on its own. Then came a pandemic on a scale that the generation has never seen before and the…

Disengagement from school education is a common phenomenon. And it becomes more profound when students advance through their grades and reach the secondary stages. However, unfortunately, proactive steps to help such students are only taken when the students are to…

Can Technology Turn Students into Better Readers?

The world is currently divided between digital and print. Students now have the choice to either pick up an eBook reader or an actual book. But which one is better? Which one actually leads to in-depth learning? While technology brings…