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Technology has crept into our daily lives and we cannot simply keep it out. The current generation comes in contact with gadgets at a very young age and their influence is massive. Smartphones definitely carry along a lot of advantages and experts often argue about their educational value. If computers are accessible in educational institutions, why not allow the portable version of the same technology? It would definitely make teaching easier and we can all adapt our methods with the advancing technology.

Yet, the other section defends the prevalent system where smartphones do not find their way to schools. This side of the reasons is valid as well since misuse of too much freedom is almost imminent. The debate continues whether they will serve as a boon or turn out to be a bane. Should we make use of the available technology or continue to impose restrictions?

The Pros of having Smartphones in Schools

  1. Every student will have a portable gadget along with an internet connection.
  2. Accessing eBooks or websites will be faster and easier.
  3. Audios and videos can be used as educational resources.
  4. Easy access to educational tools and apps.
  5. Recording of class lectures for future reference

And the list goes on. The advantages are pretty obvious and the quality of education can definitely improve. For instance, a student can access an eBook along with the prescribed textbook during class hours to gather more information. He/she can also choose to switch to YouTube for video reference or surf the internet for image examples. With everything available at hand, the student does not have to wait for going back home in order to see a video, and the retention of knowledge is bound to improve.

Take any of the top 10 schools in Sonipat, it is due to these very advantages of technology that they are moving towards smart classes. Use of digital projectors and smart boards is already in use, but the issue of smartphones is yet to be resolved. The prevalent techniques do not allow students to access information at their own free will and laptops may not always be the best alternative.

The Cons of having Smartphones in Schools

  1. It may serve as a major source of distraction.
  2. There’s no way to monitor what the students will surf.
  3. The varying options of smartphones may create discrimination among students.
  4. Cyberbullying and other threats can increase exponentially.
  5. The harmful side of the internet may start affecting from an early age.

And these are only a few of the many reasons why even the top school in Sonipat have refrained from allowing smartphones within their campus despite their obvious advantages. A simple example is, a student can surf any possible topic apart from the one under discussion and the teacher will have no way to know. Even the options available in the application world will not help the cause with multiple games, social media, and much more. Young minds are curious and easily distracted and smartphones are like handing them the weapon of their own doom.

Few of the high schools in the US allow phones on their premises. The rate of cyberbullying, as a result, increases every year. Schools can always impose stricter rules but students will always find a way with access to technology. Until we can come up with valid solutions to all the cons that still exist, the pros aren’t just good enough to take the massive step yet. Smartphones may have to continue to stay out of the school campus and traditional methods might have to continue.

But isn’t their room for improvisation?

There definitely is and if you scan the Sonipat schools list, you will find a few of the top institutions already on their way. Apart from smart boards and projectors, schools are improving the technology available in their library for students to tap into the advantages. They can easily access the required video and audio files from the library computers or subscribe to eBooks through their school’s ID. Desks can also be upgraded to have headphone jacks and every classroom can come with smart televisions.

Wearables are another great substitute. While phones remain banned, watches with GPS or emergency alert systems can be worn to class. This will serve the safety advantage that the phones provide and will keep all the unnecessary distractions out. With time, schools are bound to improvise and bring in substitute technologies to provide the best education and smartphones may not have to be the ultimate answer.

Swarnprastha is one example of such an advancing school. Their management continues to look for options to create that perfect blend between technology and education. Their library is technically advanced and students are given full access to explore. So, instead of being lost in the debate of allowing smartphones in schools, go for such institutions that improvise. The substitute works fine and the phones can stay at home.